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Why Your Business Needs Pinterest

Social Media

Over the last year, Pinterest has gained an additional 100 million users. How many people use Pinterest? Pinterest had 431 million monthly active users worldwide in the fourth quarter of 2021.


When it began in March 2010, Pinterest became the fastest site in history to reach 10 million unique monthly visitors and high user engagement metrics, a notable achievement given that the site was invitation-only for much of its initial launch and growth. Despite the fact that most social networks went public within a few years of its launch (Twitter: six years; Snap Inc.: six years), Pinterest only filed for an IPO in February 2019, more than nine years after it initially went public, and began trading on April 18, 2019.


Pinterest shoppers increased by 50% in the first half of 2020. The fact that Pinterest is a platform for sharing ideas and inspiration explains why it further inspired online shopping. 


Businesses can benefit from Pinterest for a number of reasons. You will be able to expose your business and blog to a brand new audience. A pin can lead to ten others, which can lead to ten more, and so on.


Benefits of using Pinterest


  • Awareness raised
  • Increased traffic to the blog
  • Leads
  • Sales increase


The following are some common misconceptions about Pinterest:


  • There are only women on Pinterest (but they still make up the majority of users).
  • People mostly pin content related to food and weddings (other topics like travel and clothing are also popular).
  • Pinterest isn’t where my target audience is
  • Other social networks don’t fit into my schedule


The largest website traffic driver in the world is Pinterest. 

Pinterest is popular among multiple generations. Many considered Pinterest to be one of the fastest growing websites in history in 2012. In terms of generating leads, Pinterest is 3x more effective than Twitter at generating viral traffic. Regardless of what your business is, here are the top 6 reasons why you should start using Pinterest.


Traffic is generated by Pinterest. It is an excellent tool for increasing links to your website, which, in turn, boosts traffic. Compared to other social media channels, it is more effective at driving traffic back to a website.


Good content clearly contributes to this uptick in traffic. You can get more followers by creating and sharing content that your audience likes. Quality visuals are the foundation of effective content on Pinterest.


A greater percentage of Pinterest users become buyers.

With Pinterest, people can go straight to the source, reducing the number of steps from discovery to conversion. In comparison to other social media sources, Pinterest visitors convert into leads and sales more quickly.

It’s sometimes helpful to think of Pinterest as a big, visual search engine. During the planning phase, Pinterest is often a valuable resource. Inspiring ideas can also be found on Pinterest.


The more pins you have, the more inbound links you get. It’s easy to link the pin back to the source of the image because every pin includes a link.  Consider how many visitors you can bring to your website by posting images of your products on Pinterest. Pinterest is often overlooked for this purpose. Do not underestimate the power of the image search!


The Pinterest website integrates with your Facebook profile, Twitter account, and website.

What makes this a good thing? Users can automatically post new pins to their news feeds for others to see. Although we don’t favor cross-platform posting, many people find it helpful. You might be trying to do too much if you rely on automation. Perhaps you should first develop a social media strategy.



1. Is a Pinterest business account free?

Free business Pinterest accounts provide you access to sales-oriented tools like statistics. You can convert your personal account to a business account or register a new account if you don’t currently have one.


2. Is Pinterest a good platform for business?

Yes, Pinterest is an excellent advertising medium. Businesses with visual products or those who can develop material that appeals to Pinterest’s core audiences would benefit the most.


Conclusion: Your Business Needs Pinterest

A nice thing about Pinterest is that you can use it to see what’s trending right now. See what inspires those who follow you – you will get a first-person view inside their mind. The Pinterest platform allows you to see what’s hot today and position your products and services accordingly.


Engagement levels are ridiculously high. Apparently, Pinterest users are happy to simply share things with small groups of friends. You can take advantage of this!


Contact KLT Social today!


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