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Skill The World.
Make It A Better Place,
For The Entire Human Race.

At KLT Social, we provide more than training.  We  create sustainable opportunities for underserved individuals, their families, and their communities.

Our Model

We believe that if you give a man a fish, you feed him a day.  

If you teach a man to fish, you feed him (and his family) for a lifetime.  

We take these 2 steps further by providing the individuals with Internships and Work.

Step 1: Skills Training
Skill participants with the most relevant and in-demand digital skills. A skill that will allow them to get a job and make a living.

Step 2: Internship
Provide them with on the job training. Participant will work with actual businesses and experience real time action.

Step 3: Work
Participants will be attached be absorbed into the work environment. They will start earning and be able to support themselves and their loved ones.

Success Stories

Helping workers develop skills and maintain them makes economic sense.  Here are some graduates from our program.

Success Stories

Helping workers develop skills and maintain them makes economic sense.  Here are some graduates from our program.

She came to us as a complete newbie in the area of Digital and Social Media. But her can-do attitude💪 was amazing! Within a few months she picked up the necessary skills and there was no stopping her. She is now a team leader and a trainer. She is initiative driven and has the entire team’s welfare at heart.

Started: As Trainee | Current: Team Leader and Trainer

She came to us as a complete newbie in the area of Digital and Social Media. But her can-do attitude💪 was amazing! Within a few months she picked up the necessary skills and there was no stopping her. She is now a team leader and a trainer. She is initiative driven and has the entire team’s welfare at heart.

Started: As Trainee | Current: Team Leader and Trainer

Impact Sourcing

KLT Social uses impact sourcing to empower individuals and businesses to break down social and economic barriers.

KLT Social’s Impact Sourcing Model

The Problem
Almost half the world’s population lives on less than $2.50 a day, and 1.8 billion people can’t access a formal job.

KLT Social
We recruit, train, skill and provide internship and job opportunities to people living in economically depressed areas.

It’s a win-win.
Business clients cut costs, and communities thrive.

As a business, you are helping people out of the poverty cycle and making a difference in our beneficiaries’ life and livelihood.  


Every time you subscribe to our services, you are helping our intern with a job. Not only that, you are enabling us to recruit and train more underserved individuals as well. 


Impact sourcing is when companies intentionally hire and offer career opportunities to people who otherwise have limited prospects.  And it has proven to be very good for business—providing access to new sources of talent, higher levels of employee engagement, and lower attrition rates.

Impact Partners

We cannot do this alone.  We grateful to these organizations who shared our mission to skill the world.

We are always looking for partners. Together we can create a more significant impact.
Partner With Us

A Content
And Social Media Management Platform




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