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Developing The Ideal LinkedIn Message


Most people use LinkedIn to stay connected with friends and colleagues. However, not all messages are created equal. If you want to stand out and be remembered, develop an ideal message that reflects your unique brand. LinkedIn messages are personal, so write in the third person. Keep it short and to the point. 


LinkedIn can become very crowded with people posting the same thing over and over again. Don’t let that happen to you! Write in the first person. The LinkedIn messaging system allows you to include your name and photo with your message, so make sure they are there! Write a compelling message that tells a story. LinkedIn messages may not be seen by many people. So make sure you stand out. Make it interesting!


In January 2022, approximately 60% of LinkedIn members around the world were between the ages of 25 and 34. Users over the age of 55 made up only 2.9 percent of the social media platform’s audience. Furthermore, individuals aged 18 to 24 years old accounted for 20.4 percent of the professional social network’s user base.


Goals: What Are You Trying To Achieve?

What is your goal? 

What is the value of achieving it? 

Writing in the first person. You’re a unique individual, and so are your goals. It’s important to show that your message isn’t just about you, but about what you want to achieve. Use the first person. “I” statements are more inspiring than “you” statements. Use the first person to describe exactly what you want in your message. 

State your goal in a clear manner so that it is easy to understand. State it in a way that is compelling, and memorable.

Be specific. Don’t be vague. Use a clear language that is understood.

How to achieve it?

What actions need to be taken?

State the action steps clearly. “I will…” “You need to.


The Best Way To Make Your LinkedIn Outreach Messages More Responsive

If you’re looking to make your LinkedIn messages more responsive, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure that your profile is updated and complete. Including contact information, company info, and any other relevant information will help potential connections find you more easily. Additionally, try to tailor your messages to the individual you’re messaging.


Here are some practical tips on how to write LinkedIn messages:


1. Try to keep it simple.

More than half of inMails are read on mobile, according to LinkedIn. As a result, LinkedIn messages should be treated more like text messages than emails. Write succinctly — no more than 150 words – and to the point.

2. Don’t sell anything.

Your goal is to engage with your potential client and start a conversation, not to push your product or service. You can offer a call if you discover during these early phases of getting to know your prospect that they are a good fit for you, but you should only mention it later in the conversation.


3. Capture their interest

If you capture their attention with a topic that interests them, they will give you their time. Ask hard questions and connect your expertise to their work. You can concentrate on the problems and objectives that your solution or service could potentially address.

4. Customise

With our tools, you can use snippets to personalise your LinkedIn message based on the information you’ve gathered about your prospects.


5. Keep in touch

60% of LinkedIn users don’t use the site on a daily basis, and those that do may not have enough time to answer. So, if your message has been viewed but not responded to, it’s important sending a follow-up message to ensure your request doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.



1. How do I write a message on LinkedIn?

Go to the profile page of your connection. Below their profile photo, tap MESSAGE. In the Write a message field, type your message. Select the Send button.


2. How long should LinkedIn messages be?


Keep your messages to less than 100 words.
LinkedIn discovered that messages of 100 words or less have a higher chance of receiving a response, whereas those of more than 200 words have a lower chance. However, include a call to action that encourages the recipient to respond.




In conclusion, following the tips provided in this article will help you create a LinkedIn message that is sure to be seen and appreciated by the recipient. By being concise, interesting, and relevant, you can make a great impression that could lead to future opportunities.


Contact KLT Social today to help you learn how to reach out to your prospects in more effective ways.

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