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Using Social Media To Get Your Business Off The Ground

Social Media

We need to get straight to the point: your business needs social media. A business marketing strategy cannot be complete without social media. An individual can start their own business, no matter how big or small the company.


You can leverage social media platforms to create a more engaging customer experience, raise brand awareness, and increase leads and sales. Globally, more than three billion people use social media every month, and engagement on major platforms just keeps growing.

Here’s how you can get your social media strategy off the ground with just a few questions.


What is a social media strategy?

Social media strategy is an overview of everything you want to accomplish and plan on doing via social media. By guiding your actions and telling you if you’re succeeding or failing, it helps you stay on track. An effective plan should be as specific as possible. In addition, you can set multiple goals, and use different strategies for different platforms.


Why is it important?

Since almost everyone uses at least one social media platform nowadays, a social media strategy is important. People use social media not only to connect with people and businesses but also to verify the legitimacy of a company. It’s like using the old-fashioned yellow pages. Once you utilize social media consistently, you can use the platform’s analytics to study your audience for better targeting and create a more customized experience for your ideal client.


How do you create one?

A successful social media strategy involves more than just posting whatever you feel like whenever. Before you begin creating your strategy, you need to be able to answer these questions:


Who would be your ideal client?

How do you want people to remember your business (also known as your brand)?

What kind of content will you share?

What social media platforms will you use?

How do you plan on achieving your goals?


With these questions, you can build a solid foundation for your strategy. You can even answer them for each platform you use. Your social media strategy is probably not going to be determined in just an hour. I would suggest that you take a few days to consider your answers. However, I understand that determining your strategy may feel overwhelming at times.


So, next time someone asks “What is a social media strategy?” now you will be able to answer. The process of creating a social media strategy may seem complicated at first, but in reality, it’s quite straightforward. An understanding of social media plans is critical for companies seeking to improve their online presence and grow their business. Once you’ve planned it well and defined your objectives, social media workflow and managing multiple social media profiles will become second nature to you. This is exactly why you should devote some time in the early stages to creating a comprehensive social media plan and choosing a tool to help you manage your content across multiple network platforms.


If you’re still having trouble, feel free to contact us at KLT Social so that we can figure out your strategy together.


Email Address:

WhatsApp: +65-8899-5593



Email Address:

Whatsapp: +65- 8899-5593


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