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Understanding How Businesses Spend Time on Social Media

Social Media

With the advent of social media, businesses have discovered new and innovative ways to communicate with their customers. However, not all businesses are created equal when it comes to utilising social media for marketing purposes. 


Some businesses may be better off taking a more passive approach, while others may benefit from using more aggressive tactics. By understanding how social media time for businesses should be allocated, businesses can maximise their return on investment.


As of 2022, the average daily social media usage of internet users worldwide amounted to 147 minutes per day, up from 145 minutes in the previous year. Nearly every business owner knows that social media is important, but many don’t know how to use it effectively. This leaves them frustrated and with little to no return on investment. 


In order to understand social media time for businesses, it’s important to first understand how social media works. It’s not about blasting your message out to as many people as possible. It’s about building relationships and engaging with your audience.



How Much Time Businesses Should Spend on Social Media


Many business owners feel that social media is a waste of time. However, some studies have shown that businesses that are active on social media have a higher chance of success. 


So, how much time should businesses spend on social media? 


According to various studies, anywhere from 1 to 5 hours per day is enough. This means that businesses should spend about an hour a day on social media.  The same study revealed that businesses that spent more than 3 hours per day had a higher chance of success. 


In addition to the time spent, businesses should also choose their social media platforms wisely. Businesses should have a clear purpose for each social media platform and stick to it. Social media is an important aspect of business success.  With the right strategy, businesses can increase their reach and improve their customer relationships. 



How to Determine Social Media Platforms and Strategies


Each social media platform offers different opportunities and strategies for businesses, so it’s important to tailor your approach to each one. One strategy is to use a variety of platforms to expand your reach. The more social media platforms you use, the better.


There’s no denying that social media is an essential marketing tool for any company that wants to stay current and visible. In fact, 88%t of marketers claim that social media has aided in expanding awareness, with 77% claiming that it has aided in growing traffic. This means you’re missing out on a major opportunity if you’re not leveraging social media to its full potential.

However, getting started may be challenging, and even something as relatively straightforward as selecting a social platform might be more involved than you think. There are a lot of social networks out there, and deciding which ones to use and developing a plan can be difficult. 


The good news is that there are social media experts to help you manage your social media in utilising the platform for your business. In this way, you can focus more on your business without getting stuck deciding which social media platform to use and how to use them properly. 



  1. Is social media time consuming for business?

Social media takes a lot of time.
According to industry studies, up to 64% of digital marketers devote at least 6 hours on social media marketing. On the other side, 37% spend more than 11 hours on social media marketing. For many business owners who want to see results from their SMM efforts, this is a time-consuming process.


  1. How is social media marketing time consuming?

This normally necessitates extensive research, which takes a long period. Furthermore, social media marketing necessitates prompt responses to audience members who may leave comments or ask inquiries on your site. All of this adds up to a lot of time spent on social media marketing.


Conclusion: Understanding Social Media Time


It is evident that businesses are spending an increasing amount of time on social media. This is likely due to the benefits that can be gained from using social media, such as increased brand awareness, customer engagement, and website traffic. Businesses should continue to allocate time and money to investing in social media in order to reap these benefits.


KLT Social can help you manage your time in using social media effectively and efficiently. 

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