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Four Reasons Your Business Needs a Social Media Manager

Social Media

Today, social media is an integral part of a small business’ marketing strategy. However, many business owners find it difficult to manage their social media accounts with the growing list of tasks they have to complete. Having a Social Media Manager, you can have your social media accounts managed by creating and posting content, monitoring analytics, and engaging and interacting on your behalf. Social Media Managers will increase your following, engagement, and revenue by implementing their strategies.


These are four reasons your company needs a social media manager:


Reason #1: You Don’t Have Enough Time


If you don’t have a lot of free time you can’t spend it on things that don’t directly generate revenue, right? A Social Media Manager will free up time in your business so you can focus on actually running the business. No more worrying about what to post, when to post, or where to post; everything is taken care of!


#2: You don’t understand what social media is about


When it comes to social media, you know it’s important, but you don’t know how to use it effectively for your company. The “algorithms” seem to change constantly, and you can’t keep up with what you “should” do. You can gain targeted customers through social media, and a social media manager can provide you with the tools to secure those clients and improve engagement.


Reason #3: You Don’t Have a Social Media Strategy


It is imperative to maintain consistency in your social media strategy in order to make it a success. The best results can’t be expected from randomly posting on social media without a plan (trust me, I tried that too). Your social media manager knows the most effective ways to increase engagement, grow your following, and grow your profits.


Reason #4: You Don’t Enjoy It


Managing your own social media accounts used to be something you enjoyed, but now it’s just one more thing to cross off your never-ending to-do list. Rather than spending your time trying to do it all on your own, hire a social media manager to manage your social media accounts.


How do I know if a Social Media Manager is right for my business?


Getting rid of social media might be scary for you since I might not say something that you would appreciate. My clients tell me this constantly, but after working with them for a few months, I find that this is not the case. Their opinion is that “a burden has been lifted off their shoulders” and they are able to devote more time to other aspects of their business. Our goal at KLT Social is to learn as much about your business as possible so we can post in your voice and style.


If you want to put an end to being overwhelmed by social media and learn if it is best to outsource your social media management, please give us a message at or

WhatsApp: +65-8899-5593

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